Im Duck Yong

Im Gedenken an

Im Duck Yong

geboren am

* 15.02.1956

verstorben am

† 06.06.2024

Kerzen (26)


The Matthews team

Entzündet am 08.07.2024 um 14:25 Uhr

Lieber Yuri,

unser herzlichstes Beileid zum Verlust Deines Vaters. Es war immer ein großes Vergnügen, mit Dir im letzten Jahr zusammenzuarbeiten. Du warst immer eine Inspiration für uns alle. Wir denken an Dich und wünschen Dir viel Kraft in dieser schwierigen Zeit.


Emily Martyn

Entzündet am 24.06.2024 um 10:38 Uhr

Rest in Peace, Im Duck Yong. 

My thoughts and prayers are with Yuri and her family.  


Louise Downs

Entzündet am 20.06.2024 um 08:17 Uhr

Rest in peace


Marion Delphin

Entzündet am 18.06.2024 um 09:46 Uhr


Ravi Solanki

Entzündet am 18.06.2024 um 08:27 Uhr

We have not met, but I know you through your daughter, Yuri.

They say children are a deep reflection of their parents. In Yuri's case, I can say she is magnanimous, kind, and immensely loyal to those around her.

I can only say then that your presence as a father has made her as exceptional as she is today, a soul that many in the world see as fundamental as colour, sight, and sound.

The moments you have lived, live in those around you. And for you, your life will continue to touch the lives of others for decades to come.

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